For today's challenge, clear your workspace!
Why clear your workspace?
Clutter can increase stress levels, make it difficult to focus, take a toll on relationships, and more.
(Dr. Kristen Fuller)
I have found that if I clear my workspace, I feel much more relaxed, happy and productive. It brings great satisfaction to look at a neat and organized space. I think it is especially important to clear off your desk each day at the close of business. Part of my routine of leaving work is packing away everything on my desk so it is in its proper place. Another benefit is that putting items away will make it easier to find everything when you return many hours later. By clearing your desk at the end of your work day, you are sending a message to your brain that you are turning off work. I think this becomes even more important when you work at home and work is ALWAYS there.
Having clutter creates distractions and stress. Clutter makes it harder for you to focus by the distractions it creates. Clutter also creates stress as it can be harder for you to find what you are looking for. Clutter can negatively impact your relations at work as people will see you as less organized and have less faith in your ability to complete projects effectively.
Another advantage of developing this habit every day is the joy of returning to work to a clear desk and a fresh start. You are starting each day with a sense of calm and it will help you to better manage your day.
If your workspace is already clear - Congratulations! Is there another surface you can clear? Perhaps in your living space?
Clear away and enjoy a clutter-free mind!
VerywellMind, & Fuller, MD, K. (2022, June 30). Clutter and Mental Health: What’s the Connection? Verywell Mind.